Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, October 31, 2011

Awareness Interview

Well it's Halloween and we've had a wonderful evening with all of the trick-or-treaters and not to mention the "Awareness Interview" with our Placing Agency, Tree of Life. It was such a wonderful conversation with the agency that made Dustin and I feel so comfortable. They basically reviewed everything from fees, to expectations, the children, post adoption issues, and the Dossier process. We heard some emotional stories about children after leaving the orphanage and some encouraging words from Kay. Every day we get more and more excited about this process. We just can't believe we are blessed enough to be a part of the adoption world. Our next biggest thing will be our Homestudy Interview on November 8th which we are anxiously awaiting. We continue to work on our paperwork for the Homestudy Agency and will be starting our Agreement with our placing agency soon! The paperwork almost seems to drown you but I just keep reminding myself what it will bring our family! We pray for our daughter every night and all other families going through this process. You never truly know the attachment you can have to a child you've never even met until you begin this process. It's such an incredible feeling!

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