Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, November 10, 2011

First Homestudy Interview

Well we had our first interview and I would say it went very well! Our SW was wonderful and made us feel so comfortable, not to mention she had the cutest kids EVER! She basically let us know what we should expect with this whole process, what she'd be looking for at our Home visit, and what to expect post-adoption. It was really simple actually and we are looking forward to the Home visit which we've scheduled for December 1st! I would love to have our homestudy completed by the end of December, but with the holidays we'll see how that goes!

Dustin and I become more and more anxious daily it seems. We went to mom and dads to dig out some old stuff for when I was little to bring to the house for our daughters room. We are also in high hopes that since the age group we are listing as our preference goes up to the age of 4 years our referral might come a little sooner than the typical healthy 2 yr old referral.

As I'm writing this blog, I'm thinking of all the people we haven't told yet. Adoption is so exciting but at the same time a little scary. You really just never know what the reaction is going to be, not that the reaction would prevent us going through with this, but you'd like to keep negativity away as long as possible. I'm sure we'll be telling our church family soon, at least those who don't already know. Considering this month is National Adoption Month it only seems fitting that we would let most people know. It's just so early in the process I'm not sure how to answer a lot of questions and who knows how long it will take to actually have our daughter home. Regardless, we certainly need the prayers and where better to find that than from your church family. We are so thankful for all the support we've gotten so far and wish we could just fastforward a year or two so our beautiful girls was already home with us to celebrate Christmas!

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