I really planned on posting at least monthly...well that hasn't happened. My goal is to blog much more often, but I'm not the most productive person when it comes to sitting down and blogging..or really sitting down and doing anything for that matter!!
There has been a few happenings since I last wrote. We had our genetics appointment, unfortunately we won't know any results from that until June 3rd. We have also had Easton's MRI and EEG that Neurology scheduled and both came back perfectly normal (woohoo!!).
Easton is continuing to grow like crazy, he is slightly over 40 inches tall and weighs 42 pounds. That's a whopping 18 pounds and 2.5 inches grown since being home. We can see it in his clothes too because he's going up a size about every month. We are currently in 4t and 5t clothes. He can still wear some 3t pants but it's pushing it!!
We also recently celebrated Easton's 7th birthday. It's hard to imagine that it was his first birthday party, but it's exciting to know it won't be his last!! We celebrated with a small group of family and friends on the farm (where Easton loves to be the most) and enjoyed a perfect saturday with kites, pinatas, cake, and gifts!
He's continuing with therapy and has started wearing braces for his feet. It will hopefully just give him the extra support he needs to get rid of the "wobbling" (for lack of a better term) he still has when walking and running. Also hopefully to give him a boost in walking up and down stairs. I can already tell the strength he's gained since being home. He was able to climb a pretty steep incline on an inflatable in order to slide down at our church Carnival. That was a huge feat and he did it several times. PT has discharged Easton since he's doing so well and also so that we can save any visits he might need for the end of the year. OT and ST will continue to co-treat and work on feeding therapy and things like using a pencil and spoon correctly.
He's also becoming increasingly affectionate. He will reach out for kisses and hugs, sometimes when you least expect it. He's such a little parrot and will mimic nearly everything we say and do. He's still pretty uncoordinated but love his heart he tries!
We've started RTI testing at the elementary school in hopes of getting related services through the school system soon. He will also begin behavioral therapy through a private group. This might be slightly different than it sounds, because Easton's behavior in general is outstanding. This therapy will help with things like his tendency to get overexcited, refuse to eat with his hands, refuse to brush his teeth, potty training, etc. It's a pretty incredible program and it's designed to work through life's hurdles with children who have a difficult time getting over them!
I had forgotten all of things I need to post about in this particular post but after grabbing a few pictures to upload I remembered so many things! I'll caption the pictures!
My handsome little man getting not so little anymore! |
This was Easton at his birthday party |
A not so happy little boy during the EEG |
Easton digging into his homemade birthday cake (it got far too messy for a shirt) |
You can't get a good picture of him in the water because he's never still! He LOOOOVES the water |
Finally showing attachment to a toy that plays music and sleeping all night with it! He will pull out the tail and play lullabies until he falls asleep |
HAHA one of my favorites! Easton's expression when the head of the pinata came flying off! He is actually screaming with excitement but he looks mortified!! |
Daddy and Easton watching cousin Hunter play baseball |
Learning to blow out candles, he did a really good job. All you have to do is tell him somethings hot and he tries to blow it out! |
Love this kid! |
Easton is pouting because I made him sit still and attempted saying the ABC's, he wasn't impressed |
Hiking through the woods, this boy loves the outdoors. |
He also loves his papaw and the tractor. It's amazing how fast he learns. If papaw shuts the tractor off EAston will reach for the key and try to turn it, if that doesn't work he goes for the gear shift and the throttle. He pays so much attention to every detail of everything. It really is amazing! | | |
Every day Easton continues to learn something new and surprise us with something we didn't realize he knew. His comprehension is incredible and he can answer yes and no questions appropriately for the most part.
Love this little guy so much and so thankful God brought him into our family. We are looking forward to the next many many years that he has to grow and learn!!
I cannot believe it's been five months. Wow.
ReplyDeleteThat pouty face is to die for... so handsome.